  1. You and Me

From the recording 40 Years In

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You and Me

Looking around,
Tell me, do you like what you see?
Blackened skies, plasticized oceans,
You and me?

Earth a‘trembling from thinking
‘Bout the fire in the sky.
Thinking this is no way to be living,
And one hell of a way to die.

And a handful of fools with their bunker-mental rules,
Made it how it's got to be.
A nuke freeze’d only lead to nuclear winter.
We've got to be stronger to be free.

I don't think I understand,
What we think we trying to prove?
Why be able to blow us up thousands of times?
You'd think once or twice would do.

Spending trillions on defensive postures
while multitudes die political famines.
What a way to run a world.
A beginning or the end?

Don't you think it's time we took our place,
Being a species inhabiting this space?
Rise up and take our place among the stars
Instead of ending up a nuclear waste?

Well, what are we going to do?
What will we decide to be?
We're making the future right here and now.
What will we choose to see?
You and me.

Words & music by John K. Varden
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